Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (H.U.M.) Portal – Enterprise Registration & UID Login

Apply online for a unique HUM ID for all enterprises, including stores, MSMEs, large businesses, and mega industries, at harudhyam.edisha.gov.in for the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (H.U.M) Portal.

Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (H.U.M.) Portal - Enterprise Registration & UID Login

On June 5, 2020, the Haryana government established the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum Portal at harudhyam.edisha.gov.in. A pioneering effort, the new H.U.M. web portal unites all industries, including small, medium, and big businesses registered in Haryana, on a single platform. By completing the online Enterprise Level User registration/application form and creating a login for UID at the official website, all enterprises may submit an application.

The H.U.M. portal offers unique identification (UID) to all enterprises, whether they are small businesses, MSMEs, or giant corporations, to enable the provision of integrated licenses and services. Additionally, the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (HUM) platform will allow for the registration of workers hired by enterprises (UDHYAM). It will build a database of every worker employed by enterprises in the state.

Given the effects of the previous epidemic, information about migratory workers will also be gathered for the new database. Better planning and assistance would be possible thanks to the HUM Unique ID, which will serve as the main key for connecting services and data pertaining to Haryana.

Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (HUM) Portal

The Haryana Udhyam Memorandum is a novel effort by the state government to supply UID to all enterprises, no matter how big, how little, how medium-sized, or how micro-sized they may be. The Citizen Resource Information Department (CRID), the Industries & Commerce Department, and the Labor Department worked together to establish the HUM site. Every industry must apply online and complete the enterprise registration/application form at the H.U.M portal as shown below in order to receive a unique H.U.M number.

Login / Enterprise User Registration Form

The whole procedure to complete the enterprise user registration form and login is described below:

STEP 1: Visit the official website at http://harudhyam.edisha.gov.in/ as the first step.

STEP 2: On the homepage, go to the “Account Login” section and select the “Sign Up As Enterprise User” tab.

STEP 3: Next, as seen below, the Create Enterprise Level User Sign-Up page will open.

Haryana Udhyam Memorandum Portal Enterprise Registration FormHaryana Udhyam Memorandum Portal Enterprise Registration Form

STEP 4: To finish the registration process, select the appropriate user type (enterprise level), the user name (as per Aadhaar), Aadhaar number, designation, mobile number, email address, and authorized person. Then click “Save & Continue.”

STEP 5: Candidates can then use their mobile number to log in as enterprises user and click the “Get OTP” option on the homepage as displayed below.

HUM Portal Enterprise User LoginHUM Portal Enterprise User Login

STEP 6: At the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum website, candidates can then complete the enterprise online application form.

Unique H.U.M Number (ID) to Industries

Each industry that registers on this harudhyam.edisha.gov.in portal will receive a distinct H.U.M number. It is an easy-to-use portal, and in order to register, the industries must provide some basic information. Additionally, all enterprises that have registered must upload the fundamental information about the people who work for them.

Industry & Employee Database at the Haryana Udyam Memorandum Portal

The Haryana Udyam Memorandum Portal will assist in building a comprehensive database of all types of registered industries in Haryana as well as the people employed there. The government of Haryana would be assisted in developing welfare measures in the future by the generated database.

Integration with the Labor Department portal and HEPC

The portals of the Labour Department and the Haryana Enterprises Promotion Centre (HEPC) should also be merged with the HUM portal, according to instructions from chief minister Manohar Lal Khattar. In light of this, any applications for services provided through the HEPC portal or the Labour Department’s portal will henceforth require a H.U.M. ID.

Access to Registered Enterprises’ Saksham Yuva Portal

Access to the state government’s “Saksham Yuva Portal” should be made available to all industries that are registered on the H.UM. Portal. It would make it possible for businesses to hire people who fit their needs. With this effort, the youth of the state of Haryana would have the most employment chances. To enable them to register themselves on the H.U.M site, the Chief Minister ordered that an SMS be issued as soon as possible to all 50,000 employees from various industries in the State who have requested permission to migrate to other States during COVID-19.

Helpline Number, Email Address, and References

One can call the helpline number (toll-free) at 1800-200-0023 in case they have any questions or need any information. Even email can be sent by users to [email protected]. The following are some other helpful links:

A) User Guide for the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum (HUM) – Click Here

B) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Haryana Udhyam Memorandum – Click Here

C) NICS, the National Industrial Classification System (All Economic Activities) – Click Here

D) Bulk Seeding Download File for Employee Information Details – Click Here

Visit the official website at https://harudhyam.edisha.gov.in/ for additional information.


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